Industrial Factory Kodak (1960, 1964-1965, 1970-1974, 1978, 1981, 1988), via Giacomo Matteotti 62-64, Cinisello Balsamo
Structural engineer: Studio Guerci, Studio Gianni
Service engineer: Studio G. Bertolini, Ufficio Tecnico Kodak
Structural engineer: Studio Guerci, Studio Gianni
Service engineer: Studio G. Bertolini, Ufficio Tecnico Kodak
Towards the end of the 1950s and the beginning of the 1960s, Gigi Gho' begins his collaboration with the American multinational company Kodak. The partnership will last the entire professional career of the Milanese architect, leading to the construction of the factories in Cinisello Balsamo – extended and refurbished several times – and in Marcianise, near Caserta. The continuity of this partnership testifies Gho'`s ability to cope with the business demands with integrity and reliability, providing design answers both from a functional and from an aesthetic point of view. From this moment onward Gho’s practice begins to receive more requests from the industry sector, demonstrating a particular sensitivity to the theme of industrial architecture.
The first part of the Kodak factory in Cinisello Balsamo - with laboratories, warehouses, lobby and services - is the result of a project presented in February 1960. It is comprised of a big building that runs along the A4 motorway, covered by a sequence of arched roof, and of a smaller body on the opposite side, on via Matteotti. Both units are in exposed concrete, brickwork and large glass surfaces; the sides exposed to sunlight feature louvres that make the facade remarkably expressive. The custodian unit, the green areas and an elegant perimeter wall complete the site.
During the same period two extra floors are added to the smaller unit towards via Matteotti; the complex is also expanded by the addition of a new unit, hosting the marketing offices, where Gho’ uses similar compositional elements. Finally, during the following years, the industrial complex is enriched by the addition of a number of services (a nursery, a canteen, and social areas), covered walkways, and a small building characterised by a more prominent rationalist language - no longer existing - designed for a new section of corporate offices.
In 2004, following its sale and subsequent parceling by the new owners, the part toward via Matteotti has been completely redefined both in terms of layout and from a formal point of view - today it is unrecognisable compared to the original project. Despite selling the site, Kodak has kept some of their offices within the area.
Cronologia sintetica degli interventi:
1960: progetto del primo nucleo (corpi in fregio all'autostrada A4 e verso via Matteotti).
1964-1965: sopralzo dell'edificio su via Matteotti.
1970-1974: ampliamento del complesso (estensione corpo in fregio all'autostrada A4 e realizzazione palazzina marketing).
1978: realizzazione corpi tecnici di ampliamento e modifica partizioni interne.
1981: modifica partizioni interne.
1988: ristrutturazione corpo su via Matteotti.
The first part of the Kodak factory in Cinisello Balsamo - with laboratories, warehouses, lobby and services - is the result of a project presented in February 1960. It is comprised of a big building that runs along the A4 motorway, covered by a sequence of arched roof, and of a smaller body on the opposite side, on via Matteotti. Both units are in exposed concrete, brickwork and large glass surfaces; the sides exposed to sunlight feature louvres that make the facade remarkably expressive. The custodian unit, the green areas and an elegant perimeter wall complete the site.
During the same period two extra floors are added to the smaller unit towards via Matteotti; the complex is also expanded by the addition of a new unit, hosting the marketing offices, where Gho’ uses similar compositional elements. Finally, during the following years, the industrial complex is enriched by the addition of a number of services (a nursery, a canteen, and social areas), covered walkways, and a small building characterised by a more prominent rationalist language - no longer existing - designed for a new section of corporate offices.
In 2004, following its sale and subsequent parceling by the new owners, the part toward via Matteotti has been completely redefined both in terms of layout and from a formal point of view - today it is unrecognisable compared to the original project. Despite selling the site, Kodak has kept some of their offices within the area.
Cronologia sintetica degli interventi:
1960: progetto del primo nucleo (corpi in fregio all'autostrada A4 e verso via Matteotti).
1964-1965: sopralzo dell'edificio su via Matteotti.
1970-1974: ampliamento del complesso (estensione corpo in fregio all'autostrada A4 e realizzazione palazzina marketing).
1978: realizzazione corpi tecnici di ampliamento e modifica partizioni interne.
1981: modifica partizioni interne.
1988: ristrutturazione corpo su via Matteotti.
Bibliography about this work:
L'ingegnere libero professionista, n.7, anno XV, 1973
Jolanda Ventura (a cura di), Gigi Gho': progetti e architetture 1950-1995, [s.e.], 1997, pp.120-131
L'ingegnere libero professionista, n.7, anno XV, 1973
Jolanda Ventura (a cura di), Gigi Gho': progetti e architetture 1950-1995, [s.e.], 1997, pp.120-131
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